AMAZON FACTS


Amazon is an amercian multinatinal company which 

is the a biggest e-commerce site amazon is the 

one of the biggest company in the U.S Information Technology

The founder of the amazon is jeff bezos which has started this company

from his garage which has situated at washington . this company started 

from 5 july,1994 and nowadays it created a devasting network in online 

shopping spread its business in worldwide .

The Whole Foods Market which was gathered by the Amazon in 2017  

which sells products which is free from arificial colours , preservaties .

which is USDA certified organic grocer in the united states

the foods is organically selected and sold to thier customers .

Now a days amazon streaming a video audio books , Amazon prime 

and Amazon music , amazon also publishing film and television and Amazon

studio has a computing subsidiary . Amazon includes electronic gadgets like

phones , tablets , computer , laptops etc you get the products related to your

household decorations , your gym equipments , shopping just in one click .

For amazing gadgets available on Amazon to known about the Amazing Amazon tools click on this link 


Fact 1.) At the present time amazon have the all products you have to only 

go the Amazon app or on website and search the products to buy

 it is that so simple and the product has to delivered at your 

door at minimum time amazon was firstly made for only books

at the time when amazon has been launched you can only buy 

books from it . and the name of the first book which has been sold 

is "fluid concepts and creative analogies amazon" 

Fact 2.) The amazon has started from 5 july,1994 and you got suprised 

that the founder jeff bezos of the amazon has started this from his garage

and now you all known where is company ranking . the worker of 

amazon said that the centre of the amazon is so big that in 1 shift they 

have move mini. 20km by this you can known that where company standing .

Fact 3.) When you are see the arrow in the amazon logo between a to z this 

means that you can get all products from a to z and you can purchase it from

any where from the world


Fact 4.) We all known that amazon is the online shopping website but besides this 

amazon also provides many services like web hosting and many more

to see the video of these facts you can prefer to see the videos of the Manoj saru sir

Fact 5.) Jeff Bezos originally wanted to call his Company as

 Cadabra (as in ‘Abracadabra,’) but scrapped the idea after

 someone misheard the moniker as ‘cadaver.’, a web address that

 still redirects users today.

The Amazon sales rank (ASR) Provides you an idea of the popularity of the product 

which has been sold by the amazon workers . there is a millions of the product 

which has been stocked by the amazon . ASR have been the source of much 

speculation by publishers, manufacturers, and marketers. 


By doing the affiliate marketing means when someone sell products of Amazon

then the associaters get the commission for recommending by simply placing ADS

on thier websites and buy products through this link then you get the affiliate 

commission from Amazon which is very good for earning 


The domain tempt atleast 615 million visitors

annually by 2008 and by the starting of the 2016 the stastics 

crossed over 130 million customers visitong the U.S. website 

each month. 

COVID-19 pandemic

Many new polices was introduced by the Amazon to reward frontline 

workers for continue to come into work during this pandemic .

In the 2020 it announces to hired the 100,000 staff in the US  to deal with 

the essential items like foods and medicine or the other medicial equipment 

In September 2020, the amazon announced it would hiring an additional

100,000 workers in the United States and Canada 


 1.) What is Sell on Amazon or SOA?

Sell on Amazon is a program that helps us to enables you to list and sell your product on

2.) How does selling on work?

you have to list the products which you want to sell on marketplace . your products
seen by the visitors and purchase it 

3.) What are qualifying items on Amazon?

The qualifying items are select and sold by the in electronics , softwares
video games , Due to manufacturer restrictions, some products are not eligible. 

4.) How do you get free delivery on Amazon?

The order below the value of 499 INR the Non-prime customers will be charged for the 
delivery  fee of INR 40 per item while as the prime members have receive the free delivery   
on all eligible items . 



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