##WHAT IS AN SEO..........

In the blogging you have to write the seo friendly article and it doesn't matter where you make the blog

it may be blogger or it may be wordpress in both we have to write the seo friendly article for this you have

to known what is an seo? and how does an seo works in your article and what is on-site and off-site seo 

to known in detail stick to this article at the end.


An SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION (SEO)  which helps the user to enchane

 or to increasing the quantity and take it to the

level of quality of your website which help us  to gain more organic traffic from google search engines . 


by using seo in blog we get :-







By using the seo in the blog you can get the quality of traffic from the search engines .

with the help of seo  google tells to the user about your website according to thier  demands 

it attracts the users in all over world . By doing spam or visiting the website with the same 

phone thinking the google doesn't known . google is biggest company it will easily reconize

you are doing spam and ban your id.


once to get the right users or the organic traffic which is clicking through from the search engine results page s

(SERPs), more traffic is better 


 Ads make up a significant portion of many SERPs. Organic traffic is any traffic that you don't have to pay for.

 with the help of organic tarffic you will also get the organic results.


with the advanced seo help to get the monitization or get the google adsense approval. and can help you to earn money 

8 Ways to Make Money with SEO

 Get job at an agency.

Sell products on your website (eCommerce)

Dropship other people's products on your website.

Collect hourly consulting fees from clients.

Collect agency retainers from clients.

Sell white label SEO services to other agencies.

Host seminars and charge per seat.

Build and sell SEO software.


with the help of seo you easily rank you website in the google top 10 websites by which you can generate an traffic from google itself. and the taffic coming on your blog was totally organic which is really come for your content.

  1. Publish Relevant Content.
  2. Update Your Content Regularly. 
  3. Metadata. 
  4. Have a link-worthy site. 
  5. Use alt tags

How SEO works?

You might think of a search engine as a website you visit to type (or speak) a question into a box and Google, Yahoo!, Bing, or whatever search engine you're using magically replies with a long list of links to webpages that could potentially answer your question.

That's true. But have you ever stopped to consider what's behind those magical lists of links?

Here's how it works: Google (or any search engine you're using) has a crawler that goes out and gathers information about all the content they can find on the Internet. The crawlers bring all those 1s and 0s back to the search engine to build an index. 

That index is then fed through an algorithm that tries to match all that data with your query.

There are a lot of factors that go into a search engine's algorithm, and here's how a group of experts ranked their importance

SEO stands for search engine optimization, which is a digital marketing strategy that focuses on your website's presence in search results on search engines like Google. When you understand how SEO works, you can use different tactics to increase your visibility (or how high you rank) in search results.

the search engine is works like a library which does not stores book which only stores webpages .

when anyone type his/her query in the search box ,it shows you all the pages in front of you and tries 

to show more accurate answer of your query TO DO THIS , IT USES A COMPUTER PROGRAM WHICH CONTROLS ALL THIS 


Nobody knows exactly how these algorithms work , but we do have clues , at least from google 

In simple terms, SEO works by demonstrating to search engines that your content is the best result for the topic at hand.

This is because all search engines have the same goal: To show the best, most relevant results to their users.

Precisely how you do this depends on the search engine you’re optimizing for.

If you want more organic traffic to your web pages, then you need to understand and cater to Google’s algorithm. If you want more video views, then it’s all about YouTube’s algorithm.

Since each search engine has a different ranking algorithm, it’d be impossible to cover them all in this guide.

So, going forward, we’ll focus on how to rank in the biggest search engine of them all: Google.


as we now known that what is an seo , and how it works  and the main question arises that how we  can 

make or build a seo friendly site.

for seo frriendly site we do not do spam in the blog or do not spam by making fake visitors or generating fake 

traffic on a website . search a long tail keyword . a long tail keyword help you to rank your website in the google .

try to put a questions which was not answered on google 

for finding unanswered question on question you can using google make website "QUESTION HUB" .

What’s the Difference Between SEO and SEM?

The main difference is that Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is focused on optimizing a website in order to get traffic 

from organic search results. On the other hand, the goal of Search Engine Marketing (SEM) is to get traffic and visibility

 from both organic and paid search.   

WHAT ARE THE FACTORS OF THE Search Engine Ranking Factors

1. Content Quality

Quality content is the ultimate ranking factor.

You can have a site that’s perfectly optimized for SEO. But if your content stinks, it simply won’t rank.

The question is:

When it comes to SEO, what does “quality content” look like?


On-Site SEO

What is on-site SEO?

On-site SEO (also known as on-page SEO) is the practice of optimizing elements on a website (as opposed to links elsewhere on the Internet and other external signals collectively known as "off-site SEO") in order to rank higher and earn more relevant traffic from search engines. On-site SEO refers to optimizing both the content and HTML source code of a page.

Beyond helping search engines interpret page content, proper on-site SEO also helps users quickly and clearly understand what a page is about and whether it addresses their search query. In essence, good on-site SEO helps search engines understand what a human would see (and what value they would get) if they visited a page, so that search engines can reliably serve up what human visitors would consider high-quality content about a particular search query (keyword).

The ultimate goal of on-site SEO can be thought of as attempting to make it as easy as possible for both search engines and users to:

Understand what a webpage is about;

Identify that page as relevant to a search query or queries (i.e. a particular keyword or set of keywords);

Find that page useful and worthy of ranking well on a search engine results page (SERP).

Keywords, content, and on-site SEO

In the past, on-site SEO has been synonymous with keyword use — and specifically, including a high-value keyword in several key locations on a website.

To understand why keywords are no longer at the center of on-site SEO, it's important to remember what those terms actually are: content topics. Historically, whether or not a page ranked for a given term hinged on using the right keywords in certain, expected places on a website in order for search engines to find and understand what that webpage's content was about. User experience was secondary; simply making sure search engines found keywords and ranked a site as relevant for those terms was at the heart of on-site SEO practices.

Today, though, search engines have grown exponentially more sophisticated. They can extract a page's meaning from the use of synonyms, the context in which content appears, or even just by paying attention to the frequency with which specific word combinations are mentioned. While keyword use still matters, prescriptive methods like using an exact-match keyword in specific locations a requisite number of times is no longer a tenant of on-page SEO. What is important is relevance. For each of your pages, ask yourself how relevant the content is to the user intent behind search queries (based on your keyword usage both on the page and in its HTML).

In this way, on-site SEO is less about keyword repetition or placement and more about understanding who your users are, what they're looking for, and about what topics (keywords) can you create content that best fulfills that need. Pages that meet these criteria have content

Google wants content that completely answers someones query.

That’s probably why one industry study found that longer content ranks above short content:

Longer content ranks above shorter content

So make sure that your content is thorough and complete.


In other words:

Does your content satisfy what a user wanted when they decided to do a Google search?

For example, let’s say you search for “Crossfit exercises”.

A post that lists 17 Crossfit exercises is MUCH more useful than an opinion piece about why Crossfit exercises are great for weight loss.

Make your content useful

So make sure your content is insanely useful.


Last up, SEO-friendly content is highly-structured.

Why is this important?

First, well-structured content is easy to read. Which means that users can get the answer to their question faster.

Second, organizing your content into sections helps Google understand what your content is all about.

Well-structured content ranks higher

So make sure your content is structured and well-organized.

2. Content Uniqueness

It’s one thing to have a great piece of thorough, useful and structured content.

But if it regurgitates information that’s already out there, it’s probably not going to rank well.

(After all, Google has content with the same information in its index already. Why would they rank yours above it?)

That’s why your stuff needs to be different or better than the content on page 1.

When you do that, you’ll have a HUGE leg up on the competition.

For example, when I published this guide to voice search, there was nothing else remotely like it on the web:

Optimize for Voice Search – Post

And because my content provided value that no other content did, it started to rank for on the first page of Google for competitive keywords (like “voice search) within a few weeks:

Voice Search Guide Google SERP

3. Fully Crawlable Page

If you want to rank, it’s VERY important that search engines can fully crawl and index the content on your page.

In other words:

If search engines are blocked from accessing the page (for example, from Robots.txt), they won’t index the page at all.

Blocked access noindexing

And if they can’t access certain parts of your page, that’s going to hurt your search engine visibility too.

Poor accessibility lowers visibility

You can easily check if your page is fully accessible to search engines using the “URL Inspection” feature in the Google Search Console:

URL inspection feature – Google Search Console

4. Mobile Optimized Site

Google has said that:

“Mobile pages that provide a poor searcher experience can be demoted in rankings or displayed with a warning in mobile search results.”

In other words:

To rank in 2020, your site NEEDS to work well on any device.

(Desktops, phones, tablets and TVs)

Fortunately, Google has created a nifty free tool called the “Mobile-Friendly Test”.

Mobile-Friendly Test

It tells you whether or not your page is optimized for mobile…

…with specific recommendations on fixing it.

Mobile-Friendly Test – Results

5. Number of Backlinks

A backlink is like a vote from another website.

What are backlinks

Search engines like Bing and Google measure these votes. And they use them to figure out which pages deserve to rank in the top 10.

For example, this page on my site has 6,700 total backlinks:

On Page SEO Guide Backlinks

Which has helped it climb the rankings for my target keyword: “on-page SEO”.

On-Page SEO Google SERP

The bottom line?

The more backlinks a page gets, the better it will rank in search engines.

Number of backlinks

6. Domain Authority

A link pointing directly to a page will help that page rank better.

Direct links help rankings

But these links also help boost your site’s overall Domain Authority, which is your site’s authority as a whole.

Direct links improve domain authority

And the higher your Domain Authority, the better all of the pages on your site will rank.

Higher Domain Authority, better overall rankings

The best way to boost your Domain Authority is to create an awesome site.

7. Anchor Text

Google uses anchor text to figure out what a page is about.

What are anchor links

For example, someone recently linked to my site with the anchor text: “backlinks”

Link to Backlinko with anchor text backlinks

This anchor text tells Google: “Other people are linking to this page with ‘backlinks’ anchor text. This page must be about backlinks.”

8. Site Loading Speed

Your site’s loading speed is a VERY important ranking factor.

(Especially how quickly your page loads on mobile devices)

In fact, Google has even come out and said that “page speed is a ranking factor for mobile searches.”

9. Keyword Usage

I’m going to sound like Captain Obvious here, but stay with me:

If you want to rank for a keyword, you need to use that keyword on your page.

Off-Page SEO

What is off-page SEO?

"Off-page SEO" (also called "off-site SEO") refers to actions taken outside of your own website to impact your rankings within search engine results pages (SERPs).  

Optimizing for off-site ranking factors involves improving search engine and user perception of a site's popularity, relevance, trustworthiness, and authority. This is accomplished by other reputable places on the Internet (pages, sites, people, etc.) linking to or promoting your website, and effectively "vouching" for the quality of your content.

Why does off-page SEO matter?

While search algorithms and ranking factors are constantly changing, the general consensus within the SEO community is that the relevance, trustworthiness, and authority that effective off-page SEO affords a website still play a major role in a page's ability to rank.

Off-site SEO matters

While we don't know the full algorithm Google uses to rank content, data from our Search Engine Ranking Factors study show that off-site SEO-related factors likely carry more than 50% of the ranking factor weight.

Links and off-page SEO

Building backlinks is at the heart of off-page SEO. Search engines use backlinks as indications of the linked-to content's quality, so a site with many high value backlinks will usually rank better than an otherwise equal site with fewer backlink

There are three main types of links, defined by how they were earned: natural links, manually built links, or self-created links.

Natural links are editorially given without any action on the part of a page owner. For example, a food blogger adding a link to a post that points toward their favorite produce farms is a natural link.

Manually built links are acquired through deliberate link-building activities. This includes things like getting customers to link to your website or asking influencers to share your content.

Self-created links are created by practices such as adding a backlink in an online directory, forum, blog comment signature, or a press release with optimized anchor text. Some self-created link building tactics tend toward black hat SEO and are frowned upon by search engines, so tread lightly here.

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